What is SEO?
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is improving your website’s visibility by ranking its pages higher in search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing, based on specific keywords. Today, most SEO efforts focus on Google due to its dominant search algorithms, making it the go-to platform for online marketing. By optimizing for Google, your website can attract more traffic and potential customers.
Here are the SEO services we offer:
- On page SEO
- Off-page SEO
- Link Building
- Backlinking
- SEM/SMO, and more.
To explore these services, check our pricing plans or browse sample projects available in the menu above.
SEO Silver Package
- One time - 60 days validity
- Current site status
- Basic Link Building & SMO
- Onpage and offpage optimization
- Basic keyword research and much more
SEO Gold Package
- Term of 6 months
- Current site status
- Advanced Level Link Building & SMO
- Advanced level onpage and offpage optimization
- Advanced Keyword Research and more